Tips for a Successful New School Year

Submitted by a recent college graduate.

As the new school year is nearing, it’s normal to feel a mix of excitement and nerves. Whether you’re moving up a grade or entering a new school, the adjustment can be challenging. But with the right mindset and a few practical tips, you can make this year one of your best yet!

Studying tips:

  • Do not disturb: It can be so hard to stay focused on one task at a time, especially with distractions from other people. I like to do my work alone, or at least in my own bubble, tuned out from the rest of the world. This means I use headphones to listen to music or background noise, and turn off notifications on my phone or laptop so that I can stay on task; turning on my personal “do not disturb.
  • Take breaks: When you’re doing homework or studying, set a timer for work periods and break periods. One method that is popular is called “pomodoro” technique; this is having a 25-minute work period followed by a 5-minute break, and repeating it as many times as necessary. Structuring breaks into your study periods helps keep focus and your brain sharp!
  • Prioritize: Focus on the most important tasks first based on the due date. For projects or tests that need little chunks of work spread out, choose a certain time every day to spend time working on it. During finals, I like to schedule out each hour of my study time so I know exactly which class I am studying for at what time.


  • Color coding: Assign each class a color, and use a folder, divider, or binder of that same color to keep all your work separate and organized. I like to start in rainbow order from my first period of the day and assign the class colors that way!
  • Binders: If you don’t want a separate one for each class, you can use a large binder with dividers for each class inside to keep all your loose papers. I like the kind with built in folders! I label my first divider as my “to do” or “to turn in” so that my high-priority papers are on top for easy access.
  • Keep a Planner: Write down all assignments, test dates, sports, and other activities. This will help you stay on top of your workload and avoid forgetting important deadlines or events!


  • Saying hi: Don’t be afraid to say hi to new people and make new friends! Choose someone who looks friendly and open to conversation– it’s not the best idea to approach someone who seems to be in a bad mood or is in the middle of doing something. Maybe you strike up a conversation with someone who sits next to you in class or is alone at lunchtime– you never know who will end up becoming a close friend!
  • Try new things: A new school year is the perfect opportunity to try a new club, activity, or sport. It is a good way to make new friends, increase school spirit, and gain valuable community experience through volunteering.
  • Balance: School is important, and so is having fun! The best success comes when studying and free time are balanced, such as understanding when it is necessary to say “no” to plans in order to finish assignments and making good choices when it comes to hanging out with friends. Make sure to spend time with friends outside of class, and have relaxing activities for yourself to do after school or on weekends. This could be playing a sport, enjoying a hobby, or simply taking time to give your brain a break before diving into homework for the day. Healthy choices lead to happy students!
  • Understanding your needs: Some people are happiest when they spend time with others, but some may need more alone time to decompress after a long day at school, so it is important to listen to what your body and mind need! It’s a good idea to take time to recharge your social battery when you are feeling drained.

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