Witnessing a Unique Impact on Middle and High School Students

The last two weeks of July had Howard County middle schoolers racking their brains for personal situations, fingers gripped to their mouse to reach first place in daily Kahoots, and eyes intently glued to their instructors! The Life Skills Course, hosted by HC DrugFree, is aimed to educate and support middle aged students in their journey as pre-teens and teenagers. Topics ranging from prevention of alcohol and e-cigarette use, to coping with anxiety, and even advertising techniques, students were learning something new everyday!

The Life Skills course was taught by three college students, bred also in Howard County schools. They were supported by a vast group of curious and helpful high schoolers. In our sessions, students would be presented with a topic, given time to anonymously answer questions or share experiences, and play a Kahoot to test their knowledge. Something I found particularly interesting is that even though I only graduated high school in 2022, middle and high school environments have changed drastically. I found myself learning more from the students rather than being their instructor! Teens, even if they don’t participate in the negative activities themselves, find themselves exposed to them on almost a daily basis. Whether it be vaping in school bathrooms, bullying on the school bus, or anxiety regarding an upcoming quiz! This course was a safe space to share experiences and learn from one another.

Growing up, I didn’t have an opportunity to attend a Life Skills course like this one. This course equips students with a unique toolkit. They enter schools with prior knowledge on substance use, coping strategies for anger and anxiety, and effective social skills. The skills the students learn will follow them to adulthood, but for best retention, continued exposure is key. Facilitating difficult discussions, support, and openness will keep your student thriving in a healthy environment!

Two weeks definitely flew by and it seemed the days fast forwarded. Though Life Skills classes are finished for Summer 2024, we will be back in Spring 2025. Be sure to keep an eye on HC DrugFree’s website, newsletter, and social media if your student missed our course!

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