Congratulations to siblings Mia and Joey Dowd for winning the HC DrugFree Category at the Ho Co Student Film Festival on Friday, May 6 with the film, Drinking Doesn’t Solve Problems, It Causes More, which can be viewed below or on our website.
Thank you to all of the students who submitted their films to the Ho Co Film Fest and especially to the HC DrugFree category and thank you to the parents supporting their student filmmakers and actors. Please visit our website to view all of the films submitted to the HC DrugFree PSA category to see the amazing work of these students!
A special thank you to the Film Fest advisors and Howard County Public School System staff, Ms. Jill Lee (Reservoir High School), Ms. Binki McKenna (retired from HCPSS), and Ms. Randi Trzesinski (Oakland Mills High School).
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